Head Coach: Brian Bogda Email: bbogda@d155.org Tryouts: March 3rd Time:click HERE for schedule under Team Info Tab
SOFTBALL Head Coach: Sara Markelonis Email: smarkelonis@d155.org Tryouts: March 3rd-March 8th Where: All Sessions are in the Aux Gym & Wrestling Room Times: Monday March 3rd: 3-5pm Tuesday March 4th: 7-9pm Wednesday March 5th: 3-5pm Thursday March 6th 5-7pm Friday March 7th 7-9pm Saturday March 8th 10am-12pm
BOYS LACROSSE Head Coach: Tim Lenckus Email: tlenckus@d155.org Practice Starts: March 3rd Time: 3:30-5:30pm Location: Lacrosse Practice Field Equipment Handout & Informational Meeting Friday 2/28 @ 3:30pm
GIRLS SOCCER Head Coach: Caitlyn Dayton Email: cdayton@d155.org Tryouts: March 3rd-March 6th Times: Monday March 3rd: 7-9pm Contest Gym Tuesday March 4th: 3-5pm Halls/Aux Gym Wednesday March 5th 5-7pm Contest Gym Thurs. March 6th 4:30-7pm *Start in College & Career Center with Chromebooks and then Contest Gym Teams will be selected after Thursday’s Session
BOYS TENNIS Head Coach: Mark Scheurich Email: mscheurich@d155.org Practices Begin: March 3rd Time: Monday March 3rd: 3:15-4:30pm in Room C37 Tues: TBD Wed. TBD Thurs. TBD Fri. TBD Location: Tennis Courts if weather permitting
Basketball Fans please enter through Door 7 at the back of the school near the loading dock. With a musical performance happening that night, using Door 7 will help reduce congestion at the main entrance. Thank you for your cooperation!